Sunday, February 10, 2013

Chloee Q's & A's!

What makes you happy?
Hmm.. playing with you. And. Playing with my animals because they're so much fun. And. Playing with daddeeee!! Because he's funny. And.. being with you!

Why do you love your family?
Because they're nice. And because they love me and they take care of me. And give me kisses. And hugs.

What is your favorite color, and why?
My favorite color is green, brown and pink. Because they're part of the rainbow!!

What is your favorite thing about school?
Playing with my friends and being nice to the teacher!

What do you like to dream about?
Mommy Jill!! Because she's so nice! (Big smile)

Who is the kindest person you know?
Mommy. Because she gives me kisses and hugs and she snuggles with me and we sing songs at night time!

What is something you would like to learn to do well?

If you were an animal, what would you want to be?
I would be a parrot! Because they fly!

If you could keep only one thing, what would it be?
Tweet Tweet!! And puppy.

What is your favorite candy?
ALL of the candy!!

How tall are you?
7 Inches, I think!

How much do you weigh?
40 Pounds I guess!

Where is your favorite place to eat?

What is your favorite food?
Smiley fries and chicken nuggets!

What does daddy do?
Just silly things!! Like wrestle!

What does mommy do?
Reading! You like to read. And Run. And play too.

Who is your hero?

What is a funny memory you have?
When Papa does a funny sound with his lips! It's soo funny it makes me laugh.

What is your favorite cartoon?
Spongebob Squarepants

What is your favorite sea animal?

What is your shoe size?
 Um... it use to be ten... hmmm... eleven.. no.. twelve!!! No. um... TEN! No wait, one hundred I guess?

What do you like to learn at school?
Math !

Do you like to go to church?
Yes! Because so I can learn of the holy ghost and the gospel!

What is your favorite song?
(She started singing it, which is so cute but it is called A Child's Prayer)

How old will you be when you get married?
I'm not gonna be married!!! But.. maybe like one hundred or thousand I guess!!

What do you want to be when you grow up?
A doctor so I can help people when they're sick!

What is your goal for this year?
Learning basketball.. oooooo! Or maybe soccer.... or baseball.

What is your favorite movie?
Chicken Run

What food do you not like?
Pickles and mushrooms

What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas holiday!!!!!

What do you miss most about Utah?
Being with Mimi.

What is your favorite joke?
I'll make a joke... An octopus kissed a penguin! (Laughs)

What would you buy if you had one hundred dollars?
Uhh.. A house.

What do you want to be for Halloween this year?
A shark! I love sharks.

What is your favorite letter?

What is your favorite number?


  1. Oh.My.Freakin.Heck!

    I love, love, love this!!! And how fun will this be for you guys to look back on when she's older. Love that you thought to do this! Great idea!

  2. Very cute! She surely knows all the right answers! You should consider doing this again soon with new questions...
