Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Running & Races! '16

I love running. And races. And running with friends.


Lake to Lake Relay

Matchy matchy! Didn't even plan it. Reppin' our Marine Corps sweats, jackets and our Mindy CF tanks and special marathon socks<3

Missing our Mindy! She was pregnant and couldn't come this time:)

 Running to CURE CF!
I seriously love these ladies:)

 St. George Half


Shaved off 22 minutes from last year! BEST feeling ever.

AF 10k with hubs!
My kind of date<3

10 training miles with my running pals

6 miles with Kels. I am so excited that she is getting into running!!

I was invited last minute to run Epic with these ladies and couldn't pass it up!

Good times!

This was taken during the longest 9 miles of my life. It was SO HOT.

Finally done!

 Aaaand I felt like throwing up. But didn't, thank goodness.

During my last run of the race!


 We finished and jumping for joy!

The burger here was amazing.

Kelsey's first half marathon!! I was so excited for her!

We haven't had a sleepover in years!
4:30 AM up and getting ready to leave.

Absolutely freezing.

 Getting excited to start!

I'm upset I didn't take any pictures of the beautiful canyon! I was just in the zone and enjoyed every second.

Ending chute!

 We did it! SO proud of her! She did great.

I get to enjoy this everyday for a while:)
Run to cure CF!!

Kickboxing with my buds!

A 5k Fundraiser for the Minerettes at Bingham High in honor of Astra Waller. A portion of the proceeds were donated to The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. <3

Come run with me:)