Friday, April 13, 2012

Chloee's shots :(

As you all know... well, those that read my blogs.. Chloee is getting ready to start Kindergarten!!
It blows my mind. She is growing way. too. fast. And yes, I now know why all parents say that.
To sign up for K on Monday, she needed to get her shots done.

Daddy was really good at explaining to her what shots are, how they feel, and why she needed them. She was scared, but what 5 year old isn't? I'M still scared of shots.

I took her in this morning to the pediatrics, she forgot she was at the doc cause she was having fun playing with other kids and with the toys.

They were showing eachother their stuffed animals and they almost had matching pants.

When they called her name she got a little nervous and shy and just walked with me by my side and held my hand. The assistant weighed her, measured her, and checked her eye sight. Good, good and good! Doc came in and made sure she was a healthy 5 year old, and she is as healthy as can be :)

Next were the shots.
Ooooohhhh the shots.
They took us into a special Vaccination room.
It was so hard to watch her be hurt, at least it's for a good purpose and every child gets them.
She needed one on her arm and one in each thigh.
She was absolutely terrified and crying, and yet I could only hold her close, kiss her cheek, rub her back and tell her that it was almost done.
I've never seen her cry so hard :(
Breaks my heart!!
But it had to be done.
And no, no pics. my attention was no where near snapping a shot.

It was a good mommy moment for me. Not good because she was miserable. Good because I am her mommy, she needed me and I wanted nothing more but to be there to comfort her.
And that is just for shots at 5 years old!... I have the rest of her life to be there for her at times like this when she gets hurt, or heart broken, or anything! I wouldn't miss it for the world.

My heart goes out to all the kids and parents, who's kids are sick in the hospital with cancer, or whatever the situation, getting shots weekly or daily. Brave little ones. I just want to help them. I want to take it away fromt them, they don't deserve so much hurt :(
But, sometimes, I have to realize that's just how life goes and there's nothing I can do but pray .

Anyways, They gave her a bunch of stickers (I had to peel off the table and fridge later) She chose spiderman.. I love it.. and it made her a little itty bitty teeny tiny happy.

Daddy promised since it's not fun to get shots, that she can get a new toy and we can go get ice cream!
We got cold stone. YUM.
Chlo got green and blue - mint and cotton candy with sprinkles An interesting mix, but whatever floats her boat :)
Corbin got his usuall - vanilla with crushed reeses
For me - half chocolate, half cake batter :)

Took her to get a toy at good ol' K-mart and she chose 2 baby dolls!!
She doesn't usually like dolls. Doesn't like barbies.. I was totally the same way when I was little. All about the stuffed animals.

When we got home, it was raining and it felt so nice to get in comfy's and lay in bed.
Opened our sliding door a little to listen to the rain and we all snuggled and took an incredible nap. Until a HUUUGE thunder woke me up. Biggest one I've ever heard. Tons of cars alarms started going off haha. It's okay though, storms are my favorite. I miss them in Utah! Don't get much here.

Chlo.. AND I..are so relieved the shots are over.
No more for a while.

I love my brave little stinker!!

I hope you all had a good Friday the 13th! Muah ha haaa!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


It was our first Easter as a family :) It was so fun to shop for plastic eggs, candy and fun things to put in Chlo's basket! On saturday morning we went to an Easter egg hung at our church. She found the golden egg and played on the bounce house/slide! Sunday-Easter, Chloee woke us up early to go see what the Easter bunny brought her! She found all the eggs we hid in the living room and had fun with her stuff. We now have so much candy.. MMM :) Went to church and loved listening to the talks about what Christ did for us and his resurection. Easter always, no doubt, has amazing talks at church. We taught our cute 4 year olds, the best we could about the meaning of Easter. I just love them!! We came home, ate lunch and put Chlo down for a nap. Corbin and I watched, The Passion of the Christ. WOW. What a movie. It is so hard to watch, yet is so good to see what Jesus did for us and what he went through, a better understanding. As Corbin held me, I was bawling like a baby. My blanket was literaly soaked from my tears. If you haven't seen it, please watch it!! It's a must see. (It's on Netflix :]) Aaand yeah! It was a blessed day! I love Easter and the feeling it brings. I love being with my family. I also love the Candy. I hope y'all had a delightful Easter!!
Now for some pics!..


Monday, April 9, 2012

Random shhtuff.

Wuhoo! Got my certificate! Now.. to wait till we can get another car to get a job :)

Steels beach boot camp !! LOVE IT. Now, to get my freakin' knee figured out.

My new Nike's! SO comfy. Thanks mom for the shoes and thanks mCat for making sure I got the right shoes for my feet!

I love him more than words can say <3

I got creative. Thought it was kinda cool? So, I snapped a pic.

Chlo looking at the fishies at a cool outdoor mall!


I love making bracelets for J!

This was my back a few months ago! Uck! Thank you to SDSR, It is now fix and no more scoliosis/back aches!

Won a gift card from SDSR :) Cha!

Sometimes I like to leave cute notes for Corbin :)

A friend introduced these chocolate coverd blueberries to me.
I fell in love with them.

At the pet store, Chlo was touching all the snakes!

I see this picture and it makes me want to paint.
I love it!
The other day.. the power went out for a while. So I got the finger paints out!
Made thank you cards for her birthday gifts.
Zuzu !

That's it for now!
